We are looking for a part-time landfill facility attendant of First Nation descent only.
Working Saturdays AND/OR Sundays only, 8:30am-5:30pm, at the Deep Creek Solid Waste Facility.
We will provide WHMIS and on-site training.
1. Attend to facility users.
2. Assess waste volumes of loads brought to the facility.
3. Collect tipping fees.
4. Operate the debit/credit machines.
5. Open and close gate at posted hours.
6. Snow clearing around all buildings. Applying sand and salt.
7. Pick-up litter around the facility, 30m beyond fence line and 10m on either side of access road.
8. Trimming of weeds/brush within 3ft of the electric fence.
9. Check the electric fence.
10. Arrange the household hazardous waste sheds and free store.
There will be other attendants at site to assist with all the tasks but it is expected the successful applicant will be performing a combination of tasks listed above at any given time.